GoToKale Shop

Reselling Policy:

Reselling items purchased from my shop is okay only after you've hand your order in hand for 30 days. 

Can I purchase a preorder item to use as a trade for another item?

Don't purchase an item, presale or otherwise, to use as trade bait. I want people who actually want my products to be able to purchase them as long as they are available and in stock.

Can I send you a DM if I have a question about my order?

Please email me instead. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. Some sellers don't mind DM's on their social media, but email helps me keep business and personal separate and ensures that your messages don't get buried or lost.

How do I add insurance to my order?

It's applied automatically! I updated my shipping costs so that everything that gets mailed out has insurance in case your order is lost, stolen, misdelivered, damaged, etc. USPS will not refund any costs to me unless packages are insured. Having the insurance added means I can either replace your order, or refund it if the item is no longer available.

What is LE? 

LE stands for Limited Edition, which all of my items are unless otherwise stated. This means that when the item is sold out, it will not be restocked.

If I place separate orders can my orders be combined?

Absolutely. Please let me know as soon as possible though so that I can note it in your order and get it taken care of. I try to catch these things myself, but sometimes it may slip through the cracks.

Can I place an order for an in hand item AND a presale item?

  1. You can! If you order a presale item and an item that's in hand and ready to ship within the same order, I will ship the order when your presale item comes in.
  2.  If you order them separately but would like them shipped together, please email me so I know to do that and can refund the excess shipping cost.
  3.  If you order them together but want the in hand item to ship to you first, please email me. I can do that, but you will be responsible for the additional shipping cost.
Do you ship to the UK?

Not at the moment.

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